
Every year I contemplate what I want different in the coming year.  With intention, I forge forward in pledging to change one thing or  another in my life thinking that change will lead to a more satisfying future. Sticking to them has been the challenge! I’ve discovered there is only one thing that makes the difference in keeping my new year’s resolutions.

What do you think it is? . . .   How do you keep yours?

Keeping New Year’s Resolutions . . . or any life changing resolutions for that matter, in my opinion, requires one thing:

BELIEF in WHY you are making the change!

If I’m losing weight just because I have gained a few pounds, for me, it will never work. If I believe my health is being affected by the weight I am carrying, I have a much better chance of doing something about it. Change can be difficult and demands determination. Without a firm conviction of WHY it’s worth it, will you ever follow through?

So many men and women so badly want to find the forever one in their life that they make impulsive choices in who they date. Inevitably, this often leads to enduring the pain of breakup, the humiliation of rejection, and the hopelessness of being alone.

friendship-ing is a better way to success in finding the enduring love in your life. The belief of liking someone before anything else will provoke a paradigm shift in thought which, in turn, may be just the motivation YOU need to keep your New Year’s resolution for healthier, more satisfying relationships in your future..

What belief needs to change in order for YOU to make healthier choices when it comes to relationships in your life?


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